
碳道小编 · 2020-06-12 06:06 · 阅读量 · 1206


据彭博社6月2日报道,穆迪投资者服务公司称,由于冠状病毒大流行使本就疲软的市场更加糟糕,北美煤矿工人的收入今年可能暴跌超过一半。Earnings for North American coal miners may plunge by more than half this year as the coronavirus pandemic makes a weak market even worse, according to Moody’s Investors Service.
“煤炭消费量将在2020年减少。”本杰明·尼尔森(Benjamin Nelson)领导的分析师团队在5月30日的一份报告中写道。“我们预计经济活动急剧和持续地放缓将导致经济增长下降,电力和钢铁需求减少。”“Coal consumption will be crushed in 2020,” analysts led by Benjamin Nelson wrote in a report Sunday. “We expect a sharp and sustained slowdown in economic activity will result in lower economic growth, reduced demand for electricity and reduced demand for steel.”
该报告称,到2020年,利息、税、折旧和摊销前的利润将下滑50%以上,其中火电燃煤产量下降超过25%。自去年8月份以来,这家评级公司对煤炭行业一直持消极看法。Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization will slide by more than 50% in 2020, with thermal coal production down more than 25%, according to the report. The ratings company has had a negative outlook on the industry since August.
穆迪表示,随着公用事业从最脏的化石燃料转移,煤炭行业下滑已势不可挡,陷入困境的煤炭行业将无法依靠美国政府的帮助,“随着危机缓解,美国政府将把资金投向更有可能反弹的行业。Already facing an inexorable decline as utilities shift away from the dirtiest fossil fuel, Moody’s said the struggling coal industry won’t be able to count on help from Washington “as the U.S. government directs financing toward industries more likely to rebound as the crisis eases.”
尽管包括美国能源信息管理局(EIA)在内的一些分析预测,由于天然气价格上涨,明年煤炭需求将反弹,但穆迪预计情况会有所不同。While some analysts including the U.S. Energy Information Administration have predicted a rebound in coal demand next year driven by rising natural gas prices, Moody’s is expecting a different scenario.  “我们预计天然气的价格会在20年代初期保持低位,天然气可能是北美发电市场中煤炭的最大竞争对手。”报告称。“持续低迷的天然气价格将削弱EIA的预期。“We expect prices for natural gas, perhaps coal’s biggest competitor in North American power generation, to remain low through the early 2020s,” according to the report. “Persistently low natural gas prices will undercut the EIA’s expectations.”